Monday, February 1, 2010

Not a Trace of Empty ___ Space

So, I've had an unsightly blank wall above my book shelves for long enough. The gorgeous green I painted it (months ago) could no longer suffice on its own. I considered a slew of various DIY wall art projects that would cost little to nothing, especially if I used supplies already in my possession. This pretty much takes the cake ... and eats it, too? Abstract, anyone?

black yarn
push pins
a ladder helps
patience does, too

This is the most frightening ladder I have ever stood on in my entire life, no lie. The skinny legged end slides about the floor, the rungs wobble to-and-fro under your feet, it's covered with splattered paint older than me, and it's quite a game of tetanus. I said TETANUS, not TETRIS. Nails, rusty ones, everywhere, itching to get in your foot and/or hands.

The orderliness of the books juxtaposed to the chaos of the...
But, it was simple and it turned out a little stunning, no?


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