I had one of those nothing-can-go-my-way weekends.
And I surprised myself by staying totally calm, cool, and collected. Most of you don't know that I am the sensitive type, my days easily ruined by the silliest, mundane reason. But, I've been working on it. And all I could do was giggle at the ridiculous nature of my misfortune.
It all started with a boot.
A yellow immobilizer I found on my car late Friday night.
Not unlike this one here:
Then, my craft project failed.
Actually, it started out really strong. I was impressed at how well I was doing for my first intricately layered screen print. I got a little over zealous, and when I added the last layer, which should have been a lighter color than the rest, I added a dark green, because it was the only paint I owned that I hadn't yet used. I was excited, okay? I just wanted to finish it!
So, it's not TERRIBLE, but the color scheme was all thrown off because of that damn green. Plus, I forgot his teeth. You really can't get a sense of how good I was doing before the green because, in this picture, it sticks out like a ... sore (green) thumb? Eventually, when I open an Etsy, I want to include customizable, screen-printed portraits. This WILL NOT suffice as an example. Try, try again.
If anyone is interested in letting me use a photograph of someone special to them to create more of these for practice, I will totally do it, FOR FREE (for a limited time, only), and send it to you as a gift!
aw, it's okay. I have actually been having a not-so-good weekend also. Things will get better! Things always get worse before they get better, that's what I tell myself. :)
i'd love for you to do a picture of mine! but, really it doesn't look that bad! go in with a smaller brush and some yellow if it bugs you, it'll be good as new. i love these, they're so cool. i also like the postcard you made the other day.
annnd don't you worry, it's just one of those days. it'll get better.
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