Sunday, February 28, 2010

Handmade Nation

I am totally going to see a screening of this at Columbia on Thursday.

So excited.


March 4 - 3:30 pm (Please note earlier time)

Faythe Levine & Betsy Greer

"Craftivism" Documentary Film Screening of Handmade Nation with Lecture/Discussion

Faythe Levine is an artist, photographer, filmmaker and curator based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is the director of the film Handmade Nation and co-author of the book Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft & Design (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008). In 2004, Levine founded the alternative craft fair Art vs. Craft and in 2005 opened Paper Boat Boutique & Gallery which closed in 2009. Her work has been shown in internationally and reviewed in many publications including the New York Times Magazine, Adorn, Venus and American Craft Magazine. She is currently in production with her new documentary about sign painters and opening a new gallery in Milwaukee in 2010.

Betsy Greer is a writer, researcher and maker from North Carolina and author of Knitting for Good (Trumpeter, 2008). After developing a fascination with the relationship between craft and activism, in 2003, she started as a sociology experiment wondering, What happens when you unleash a new term on the Internet? After years of studying the indie craft movement predominantly in the English speaking world, she is branching out into a broader range of histories, cultures and customs. Now working around themes of war, craft and creativity, she hopes to keep uncovering the connections between these constructs to further unpack why and how they have shaped our lives.


1 comment:

tara a. said...

found you blog through silje's....

we just had a screening of this documentary at my house a few weeks ago, complete with homemade cupcakes. you should check out a hundred dollars and a t-shirt if you haven't heard of it (and you like zines)

the end!