Chicago has been my home for three years.
And I was desperate to leave yesterday (and by yesterday, I mean, a year ago).
In this regard, I am like my mother, who couldn't sit still until she was well into middle age. Truly, it feels like a sickness to me, a complete inability to be happy and stable in one place for very long. Luckily, there's a treatment.
My First Round of Treatment
In 2007, I visited India and Nepal.

Since feminist activism and social work are my passions, I could not be merely a tourist. While I was in India, I volunteered for an organization called Udayan Care and lived in a girl's home for two months serving as a mentor, tutor, and librarian. I always say, I went from being an only child, to having forty sisters. Oh, I miss these girls so much it hurts.
That's me on the left, with Kajal. <3

Being there, with such resilient, young girls and women, completely changed my life. I took hundreds of pictures while I was in India, but unfortunately, lost nearly all of them when my computer crashed back in the States. These are some of my favorites from those that were saved. No matter, I review my experience in India all of the time, in my mind, and in my dreams.
My Second Round of Treatment
I've been thinking about it a lot lately, since I've started to stir, and ache to work abroad again. My lease is up this August and I've already started searching for another organization with which I can volunteer for at least six months.
In South America.
In this regard, I am like my mother, who couldn't sit still until she was well into middle age. Truly, it feels like a sickness to me, a complete inability to be happy and stable in one place for very long. Luckily, there's a treatment.
My First Round of Treatment
In 2007, I visited India and Nepal.

Since feminist activism and social work are my passions, I could not be merely a tourist. While I was in India, I volunteered for an organization called Udayan Care and lived in a girl's home for two months serving as a mentor, tutor, and librarian. I always say, I went from being an only child, to having forty sisters. Oh, I miss these girls so much it hurts.

Being there, with such resilient, young girls and women, completely changed my life. I took hundreds of pictures while I was in India, but unfortunately, lost nearly all of them when my computer crashed back in the States. These are some of my favorites from those that were saved. No matter, I review my experience in India all of the time, in my mind, and in my dreams.
My Second Round of Treatment
I've been thinking about it a lot lately, since I've started to stir, and ache to work abroad again. My lease is up this August and I've already started searching for another organization with which I can volunteer for at least six months.
In South America.
Jealousss, I have the travel bug too and I've ALWAYS wanted to go to India. Your trip looks like one epic journey (and the pictures are amazing!).
love your blog header :)
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